Homage to our dear Founder

Mrs. Jaya Krishnaswamy [11.12.1933 - 02.06.2024]

Mrs. Jaya Krishnaswamy

Founder of Madhuram Narayanan Centre for Exceptional Children and Patron – Bala Mandir Kamaraj Trust Mrs. Jaya Krishnaswamy passed away peacefully on June 2nd 2024 after a very brief illness. Mrs. Jaya affectionately called as Akka, Jaya Madam, Aunty and Jaya is a lighthouse who has illuminated everyone in their journey of acquiring knowledge and doing things better both in their work situation and personal lives. Her compassionate outlook to the much needed social cause of giving hope to children with intellectual disability and help them manage as independently as possible was accomplished in her lifetime by setting up MNC and nurturing it for 35 long years.

A fine intellect, a perceptive mind, a generous heart and a loving soul are what personified Mrs Jaya Krishnaswamy. Her life and times stand testimony to her sterling contributions to the world of disability. Her life was rooted in service to the causes she espoused so fervently, her commitment total, and unparalleled. She was loved, respected and admired by all who had the privilege of associating with her.

Mrs Jaya Krishnaswamy’s immense contributions to the disability sector, particularly Early Intervention, in children with developmental delays, touched countless lives spreading warmth, comfort and cheer to beleaguered parents and caregivers. Her journey from being a school teacher to headmistress, special educator and founder of the Madhuram Narayanan Centre for Exceptional Children, along with her husband Air Vice Marshal V Krishnaswamy, is an outstanding example of her remarkable qualities of compassion, love, and empathy for special children and their guardians. She generously shared her knowledge, skills and resources to empower teachers, mothers and students, actively encouraging and supporting all those who aspired to enhance their skills.

Her inherent strictness is a testament to her commitment to excellence. She held herself and others to high standards always striving for the best possible outcomes. Her meticulous nature reflected in everything she did, showcasing her attention to details and dedication.

She kept abreast of the latest trends, reading, innovating and implementing her ideas with great courage, determination and grit. Her calm and gentle demeanour, concealed an iron will and a steely resolve to succeed against all odds. All those who worked with her recognised the genuineness of her affection and her loyal and truthful approach.

She was a mother to all at the centre – the children, parents, teachers and visitors. The way she spoke gently and calmly instilled courage in all those around her, and they performed better in every way. There was genuineness in her affection and truth in her behaviour that made it impossible for anyone to disagree with her.

Her legacy will live on and gently guide everyone whom she influenced and inspired, to be a better version of themselves. A true Karma Yogi, she dwells in the hearts of all, and the valuable lessons learnt from her, will stand them in good stead in times to come.